Tuesday, June 27, 2006

New Hampshire Man Stolen in Barbardoes

Well, at least his ashes were...

Is nothing sacred?

Is it me, or are you starting to feel that the Barbardoes and other nearby locations are becoming more dangerous...

...for both the living and the dead?


Saturday, June 24, 2006

New Hampshire Man Gets ADP Oops

Reportedly ADP, a national payroll company, MISTAKENLY faxed the names, addresses, social security numbers and income information for at least 80 people to the wrong person--to Paul Dullea of Nashua NH.

He kindly reported the error to ADP, who sent him a FAX (doh) apologizing for the mistake, and asking him to sign a statement saying he hadn't copied it (doh again)

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New Hampshire Flasher Wears Underpants Mask

Once again the Odiorne Point New Hampshire flasher is back this year.

The police are warning the community to watch for a "a white male, about 55, with a chubby belly and gray chest hair, wearing underwear to mask his face."

If this sounds like anyone you know, contact the Rye, New Hampshire police.


New Hampshire: Dead Deer Turns In Fugutive

It could only happen in New Hampshire.

A fugitive from Florida was taking a little camping trip in Conway, New Hampshire, when he apparently hit a dead deer, that was hanging in a campground tree.

That prompted another camper to call the police.

The local police discovered the man was a fugitive from justice in Florida, paroled on a drug conviction.

They found him fishing--in a stolen canoe.

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Monday, June 12, 2006

New Hampshire: Unusual Weather Glossary

For a new resident to be successfully integrated into New Hampshire society, they must become familiar with the following New Hampshire weather-related terms.

Barometer: your son/nephew/co-worker gave you one a few years ago, that hangs on the living room wall. Having a barometer is a New Hampshire tradition, like father's chasing kids around with power tools .

Blizzard: when enough snow falls that your Fish & Game Club meeting is cancelled. This is a good time to make snow angels on the graves of your ancestors, catch a snow flake (or two or three) on your tongue, make hot chocolate, and plan trips to Alaska, where it is warmer.

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Deer Terrorizes Manchester New Hampshire Residents

Actually, it's more like the city of Manchester terrorized this poor deer....

It finally collapsed in exhaustion, on its way to check into the Radisson Hotel.

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Saturday, June 10, 2006

New Hampshire Oxen Making Comeback

New Hampshire farmers seeking to farm more naturally, with a slightly slower pace, are increasingly using oxen and draft horses instead of tractors.

Graphic on the right is: The Oxen of the Sun. Caeretan hydria, c. 550 BCE. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Also see: Cow Hampshire


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

New Hampshire Koi Attempt to Golf

After New Hampshire's floodwaters receded, Eric Brand's koi goldfish were discovered on the third fairway at the Nashua Country Club.

The club staff returned them to the Brands. This family attributes their, and the other koi's survival, to the fact that they stayed together.

I wonder which one drove the golf cart.


British Man Gets Lost in Manchester New Hampshire

Poor Jim Hourihan of Liverpool England... took a road trip by mistake to Manchester New Hampshire... His intended destination was Manchester, England.

I guess he knows there are two of them now.

I wonder if anyone heading to Rome, New York ever ended up in the Italian version?


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

New Hampshire Wants Massachusetts Washed Out to Sea

For years Massachusetts has refused to pay all that is owed to New Hampshire through a Flood-control pact.

Reportedly frustration over this issue has escalated to the point where NH State Rep. Richard "Stretch" Kennedy was recently quoted as stating he'd like to take the dams out and "wash the bastards out to sea [referring to Massachusetts]..."

[Read the rest of the article in the Concord Monitor]

